
First Semester Activities:  

Final Exam Review
Winter Fun Pack
How to Set Up A Legal Scientific Notebook.pd

Notebook Reflection
Title Page & Notes Samples
Quick start guide    
Photo/respiration project
Study Group Time Log
In the News
JAE grading
Mini-Poster set up

Mini Poster Headings

Lab NB Check #1

Notebook Check #1
Animal Behavior Lab

Transpiration Lab Rubric
NB Check #2
Photosynthesis Lab Report
Cell Respiration Lab Report
Unit 3 NB check

Unit 1 Introduction:

Unit 1 Objectives    
Testable Hypothesis                              
Battle at Kruger.flv
Beaks as tools activity
or Macromoleucle Virtual Lab
Macromolecule Table
Macromolecule Lecture Video
Tips for writing a good FRQ
Unit 2 Cells:

Unit 2 Objectives
Osmosis Lab
Osmosis Lab Discussion Questions
Mitosis Online Lab
Mitosis lab video
Stomate Lab
Water potential video - Bozeman
Mitosis/Cell Cycle Video
Cells Alive Animation
Control of Cell Cycle
Cancer video questions
Cancer video clip 1
Cancer video clip 2
Cancer video clip 3
Cancer video 4
Cancer Video 5
Cycle Lecture Video
fish experiment.pdf
Transpiration Lab Discussion Questions

Lysozyme Lecture

Unit 3 Energy:
Unit 3 objectives
Enzyme Lab
Enzyme Disk Lab
AP Lab 13

Simulation of Enzymes and Inhibition.doc
leaf disk lab
Photosynthesis Instructional Conversation
Respiration Instructional Conversation
Respiration Lab with Probeware
Fermentation Lab
Ecological Issue Sign-up
Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Photosynthesis Inquiry Lab Rubric

Thermoregulation worksheet page 1 and page 2
Paul Anderson - Thermoregulation
Crash Course Respiration

Unit 4 Meiosis/Mendel:
Unit 4 objectives
Hybrids - NY Times
Genetics problem set I
Genetics problem set II
Genetics problem set III
Biology Carols
Winter Fun Pack

Second Semester Activities:

Unit 5 Genetics:
Unit 5 Objectives
DNA Histone ModelStudent.pdf
Genetic Scientist Presentations
DNA Structure and Replication - Crash Course
chi-square practice_student.doc
DNA FRQ practice
ecoli insulin factory.pdf
DNA replication video
PITX1 Gene video
Eukaryotic transcription regulation video
RNAi video
Regulation of Eukaryotic expression
Biotechnology Ppt. on Transformation
Determining Fragment size instructions
Kentucky Blue People article
Kentucky Blues Case Study
Sea Slug Article


Unit 6 -Population Ecology and Evolution
Energy Dynamics Pre-lab
Ecolutionary Events
Unit 6 Objectives
Evolution Reading (zebra)
Zebra Questions
Lion Reading
Wolves Changed Yellowstone
Population calculation practice
Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium.doc
What Darwin Never Knew
Making a Cladogram
Prezi Cladogram
Prezi cladogram questions
BLAST lab handout
College Board Gene Files for BLAST
NCBI BLAST website
Task Cards Questions

Unit 7- Bacteria, Viruses, Immune system
Unit 7 Objectives
Virus Model
Virus sign up
Abracadabra - HIV case study
HIV fact sheet
Nightmare bacteria article

Unit 8 - Endocrine and Nervous Systems:
Endocrine glands - page 1
Human Endocrine Glands chart pg 2
Cell Signaling Study Sheet
Cell Signaling Prezi 
Bozeman - Signal Transduction

Bozeman Cell Communication
Spring Sting Packet
National Geographic article - SUGAR

Second Semester Rubrics:

NB Check DNA and PS
Biotech Folder Rubric
Population Ecology and Evolution - Unit 6
Energy Dynamics Lab Rubric
Notebook Check - Bacteria, Viruses and Immune System (Unit 7)

Final Exam Review
Final Exam Review
Meet with your teacher month - schedule
Exam Review Plan
Spring Sting Packet
Identifying your Strengths
Practice FRQ set 1
Practice FRQ Scoring Guide
Practice FRQ - Ecology

After the AP Exam
Biodiversity Campaign Ad
Biodiversity IQ
Wildlife IQ

Future Stuff:
Eyelashes Up Close
Butterfly Evolution
Blood Cells Activity.pdf
Plant RNAs Found in Mammals | The Scientist.pdf
Missing DNA Makes Us Human
Dark Matter of Disease
Whats your biodiversity IQ.pdf
Decomposition Rates.pdf
Whats Your Wildlife Consumer IQ.pdf